APSCOM 2022 will be organized in a hybrid mode. The conference agenda will follow HONG KONG LOCAL TIME.  All presenters are expected to be available at the scheduled presentation time for live presentations, regardless of presentation mode (in-person or virtual).

(A)      Oral Onsite Presentation

  • Report to the session hall/room at least 10 min before the session starts
  • Upload the powerpoint file to the PC provided in the session room/hall. The computers in the presentation rooms will use Microsoft Windows 10 with Microsoft 365 installed. Projector ratio is 16:9.
  • Prepare the biodata (with the name of the paper title and the paper number) for how the session chairman to introduce you. The biodata is about 5-8 sentences.
  • The presentation is 12 min, followed by 3 min Q & A.
  • Because the paper presentation may not be in sequence due to the absent of other presenter or other issues. Please be present in the session when starts.

(B)      Virtual Attendees

  • The conference will be using Zoom web conferencing platform. If you have never used Zoom before, please visit Zoom’s instruction guides on joining a meeting in Zoom: Joining a Zoom meeting – Zoom Support
  • Zoom links will be available to all registered delegates before the conference.

For presentation held remotely:

  1. Submit your biodata (about 5-8 sentences) via Easychair: Login Easychair and locate your submission. Check “Add or Update File” on the top right corner where you will reach the page to upload your biodata.
  2. Your talk will continue as scheduled. Each session will proceed in the order in the conference schedule.
  3. Each talk will comprise of a 12-min presentation and 2-min Q&A session. Virtual audience have the ability to raise questions via the Zoom chat box.  On-site attendees are able to ask questions directly in the room.  The moderator will read out the questions to the speaker who will then respond live.
  4. Each session will be presented in its own unique virtual conference room, to accompany the physical meeting room.
  5. The Zoom link will be available to all registered delegates before the conference.
  6. The meeting room will be open 30-min before the scheduled session. Please login the session before the session starts and test your webcam and your audio, as well as ‘Share” screen function.  The session moderator/helper will be present to assist with your preparation 30 min before the session start.

Zoom Practice Room

The Organising Committee will set up a Zoom Practice Room on 6 November 2022 for you to prepare your Zoom presentation in a stress-free environment. You can rehearse, including sharing your screen, giving your presentation, advancing your slides and testing your mic and speakers for optimum participation during the meeting.  APSCOM helpers will be available to assist and answer questions.  Zoom Practice Room opening hours:

Date Time
6 November (Sunday) 2022 1000-1600 hrs

Zoom link to access the Zoom practice room:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 980 6318 8046
Passcode: 889966

Join by Skype for Business

Tips for a successful online presentation

  • Test your zoom connection ahead of time, especially your audio and video.
  • Ensure your microphone, headphone or speakerphone is near you.
  • Mute your Zoom session or phone when not in use.
  • Avoid bright lights and windows behind you.
  • Good light in front of you (on your face) will provide a better image.
  • Test any virtual backgrounds that you may be utilizing to ensure there are no video irregularities.