Date: 11-15 November 2018
Venue: Hyatt Regency Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong
Conference Theme: Future Grid: The Reality; Challenges, and Opportunities


 Time 11 Nov (Sun)  12 Nov (Mon) 13 Nov (Tue)  14 Nov (Wed)  15 Nov (Thu)
 0855-0900  Opening Ceremony
 0900-0920 Keynote Session 3
An Integrated Testbed for Power System Monitoring, Modeling and Control Actuation

Prof Fangxing Li

Keynote Session 4: Accommodation of High Renewable Penetration in Power Systems
Prof David Infield

Parallel Session 8: Power Conversion and Machines

Parallel Session 9: Energy Storage

Poster Session 2: Power Conversion and Machines

Technical Visit in Macau
 0920-1030 Keynote Session 1:
Structured Microgrids: Ultimate Assets for Utilities
Prof Don Tan

Keynote Session 2:
Benefits and Challenges of Power Electronic Enabled Flexibility of Power Systems
Prof Jovica V Milanovic

 1030-1050  Coffee Break  Coffee Break
 1050-1100  Coffee Break
 1100-1115 Plenary Session 3:
Towards a New Energy Eco-System: The Convergence of the Electric Grid and the Electric Vehicle
Prof Patrick Luk

Plenary Session 4:
AI & Data Driven New Energy Systems
Prof ZY Dong

Parallel Session 10:
Power Generation – Convention & Renewable II

Parallel Session 11:
Power System Management II

 1115-1230 Plenary Session 1:
Cost Benefit Analysis and Data Analysis for Renewable Energy and Electrical Energy Storage

Prof Loi Lei Lai

Plenary Session 2:
Research on Integrated Energy Systems
Prof Hongjie Jia

 1245-1400  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch
 1400-1515 Parallel Session 1:
Power Generation – Conventional & Renewables I

Parallel Session 2:
Power Transmission & Distribution I

Special Session 1:
Dynamics Analysis and Operation Control of High Power Electronics – Penetrated Power Systems

Parallel Session 5:
Power Transmission & Distribution II

Special Session 3:
Optimal Operation and Security Analysis of Cyper Physical Smart Grid

Poster Session I:
Power System

Technical Visit in Hong Kong
 1515-1545  Coffee Break  Coffee Break
1545-1700 Parallel Session 3:
Smart Grid Technologies I

Parallel Session 4:
Electric Vehicle and Charger

Special Session 2:
Robust planning and operation of microgrids with high-level uncertain distributed energy resources

Parallel Session 6:
Smart Grid Technologies II

Parallel Session 7:
Power System Management I

1800-1900 Cocktail Reception
Venue: Al Molo, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui
1900-2000 Conference Banquet
Venue: Starry Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui

Past APSCOM papers are already indexed in IEEE Xplore.  They are available from IEEE Xplore site.

Certain past APSCOM papers are also indexed in EI.  Check here for reference.




Keynote Session 1: Structured Microgrids: Ultimate Assets for Utilities
Keynote Speaker: Prof Don Tan

Structured microgrids (SMs) are natural vehicles for integrating renewable energy into grid. Early campus adaptors, such as combined heat and power, have demonstrated significant economical benefits while reducing environmental footprint. They bring tremendous benefits to utility companies also. For instance, with their storage and active control capabilities, a 300-percent increase in bulk transmission and distribution is possible without having to increase transmission capacity. Furthermore, they will also position the utility industry to be better prepared for the emerging huge increase in baseload demand from electric vehicles and data centers for big data. This is a win-win-win situation for the consumer, the utilities (grid operators), and the environment. SMs are also powerful in turning a common back-up power set from an idle asset to an active asset for revenue generation. The will also be valuable in power substation automation and for energy surety, reliability, resiliency and security. It is also shown that the initial cost associated with a SM deployment can be easily offset with reduced operating cost, which in turn reduces the total life cycle cost by 33% to 67%.


Prof. Don Tan is NGAS Fellow and Power Products Manager. He earned his Ph.D. from Caltech and is IEEE Fellow. A leader in adiabatic power conversion and resilient energy systems, his pioneering innovations have led to 10 high-impact industry firsts with record performances. He has given more than 40 keynotes and invited presentations at top-tier international conferences. His research and technologies have attracted more than $28M funding and his products portfolio is worth more than $200M. He serves frequently on national and international review committees/selection panels.

His leadership and services include: IEEE Board of Directors (2017-2018), TAB Financial Transparency Ad Hoc (2016-present), TAB/PSPB Products (2016), TAB ARC (2015), Founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE JESTPE (2013–present), PELS Nomination Committee Chair (2015–2016), President (2013–2014), Vice President-Operations (2009–2012), Fellow Committee (2010–2013), Vice President-Meetings (2001–2004), APEC General Chair and Steering Committee Chair (1999-2000), Associated Editor for IEEE TPEL (1996–2000) and LAC Chapter Chair (1995-1999).

His recent recognitions include: IEEE PELS Harry J. Owen, Jr. Distinguished Service Award (2017), Engineering Choice Award (2014), Distinguished Engineer (2011), CIE USA Asian American Engineer of the Year (2010), AIAA Space System Award (2008), JANNAF Outstanding Achievement in Spacecraft Propulsion (2007), NGST(TRW) Distinguished Patent Award (2002) and President’s Award for Innovation (2002). His technologies were licensed to major international companies.





Keynote Session 2: Benefits and Challenges of Power Electronic Enabled Flexibility of Power Systems
Keynote Speaker: Prof Jovica V Milanovic

The future power/energy  systems will be characterised by blurred boundaries between transmission and distribution system, by mix of wide range of electricity generating technologies (conventional hydro, thermal, nuclear and power electronic interfaced stochastic and intermittent renewable generation), responsive and highly flexible, typically power electronics interfaced, demand and storage with significant temporal and spatial uncertainty, proliferation of power electronics (HVDC, FACTS devices and new types of load devices) and significantly higher reliance on the use of measurement data including global (Wide Area Monitoring) signals for system identification, characterization and control and Information and Communication Technology embedded within the power system network and its components.

The key characteristic of such a complex system, if it is only one to be picked, would certainly be prolifereation of power electronic devices in  different shapes and forms and for different purposes. This will increase controllability and observability of the system but may as a trade off  result in different/unexpected dynamic behaviour of the system and possibly, under some circumstances,  deterioration of some  aspects of its performance. This presentation identifies some of the challenges associated with operation and control of power systems with significant pentetration of power electronics interfaced generation and loads and approaches to identify, model and overcome them.


Jovica V Milanovic received Dipl.Ing. and M.Sc. degrees from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Ph.D. degree from the University of Newcastle, Australia, and D.Sc. degree from The University of Manchester, UK. Prior to joining The University of Manchester, UK, in 1998, he worked with “Energoproject”, Engineering and Consulting Co. and the University of Belgrade in Yugoslavia, and the Universities of Newcastle and Tasmania in Australia.

Currently, he is a Professor of Electrical Power Engineering, Deputy Head of  School  and Director of External Affairs   in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  at The University of Manchester, UK , Visiting Professor at the University of Novi Sad and the University of Belgrade, Serbia and Conjoint Professor at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He was chairman of 4 international conferences, editor or member of editorial/technical boards of 70+ international journals and conferences, research project assessor for numerous international government research funding councils, member of 9 (convenor of 3) past or current IEEE/CIGRE/CIRED WG and consultant or member of advisory boards for several international companies. Professor Milanovic  published  close to 500 research papers and reports, gave 20+ key-note speeches at international conferences and presented over 140 courses/tutorials and lectures to industry and academia around the world.

Professor Milanovic  is a Chartered Engineer in the UK, Foreign member of the Serbian Academy of Engineering Sciences, Fellow of the IET, Fellow of the IEEE, Distinguished IEEE PES Lecturer and  currently serves on  IEEE PES Governing Board as  Regional Representative for Europe, Middle east and Africa and as a vice-chair of the IEEE PES Fellows Committee.



Keynote Session 3: An Integrated Testbed for Power System Monitoring, Modeling and Control Actuation
Keynote Speaker: Prof Fangxing Li

The objective of the Large-scale Test Bed (LTB) project in the CURENT research center is to develop a comprehensive software platform that continuously simulates a large-scale power system with monitoring, control, communication, and visualization capabilities. LTB provides a testing platform to validate and verify new models and controls developed in CURENT. Thus, it serves as a driver of research since it provides fast prototyping of new models and grid infrastructures, direct access to simulation and measurement data, and instant feedback of the wide-area control signals. In this presentation, first, the motivation of LTB will be discussed. Then, the software architecture and data interfaces will be presented. Next, the integration with other external tools and research modules will be discussed. Finally, demonstrative case studies will be presented, followed by remarks on interactions with other thrusts in CURENT and broad impacts to the power system research community.


Fangxing Li, also know as Fran Li, is presently the James McConnell Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at The University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK). He also serves as the Campus Director and the Large-scale Test Bed (LTB) lead of CURENT research center, one of the largest research centers in the US in electric power systems.

Professor Li received his BSEE and MSEE degrees both from Southeast University (China) in 1994 and 1997, respectively, and then his Ph.D. degree from Virginia Tech (USA) in 2001. Prior to joining UTK, he had worked at ABB Electrical System Consulting in Raleigh, NC, from 2001 to 2005, as a senior engineer and then a principal engineer.

Professor Li is presently the Vice Chair of IEEE PES PSOPE committee. He is a registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the state of North Carolina and a Fellow of IEEE.



Keynote Session 4: Accommodation of High Renewable Penetration in Power Systems
Keynote Speaker: Prof David Infield

Driven by the need to reduce carbon emissions associated with electricity generation, renewable energy sources are playing an increasing role in power systems around the world.  Some national systems are now seeing the annual average renewable contribution exceeding 20% of total electricity generation, with instantaneous penetrations far exceeding this.  Although low penetrations of renewable energy can be absorbed with little change to power system operation, this is not true when a high proportion of generation is coming from time variable renewable energy sources.  Moreover, the dominant new forms of renewable generation, namely variable speed wind turbines and photovoltaics, do not contribute physical inertial and displace conventional plant that add small but critically important inertia to the power system.  This presentation will review the latest research concerned with these issues, and based on this, sketch out the form and operation of future power systems.


Following a degree in Maths and Physics from Lancaster, and a PhD in applied mathematics/theoretical physics, David joined an industry research association (BSRIA – Building Services Research and Information Association) to work on solar heating and combined heat and power.  After a couple of years there he joined Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to on wind energy.  There he became the manager of the Universities Wind Test site, working closely with Universities on wind energy research, including wind turbine aerodynamics, condition monitoring, and wind-diesel systems.

In 1993 he moved to Loughborough University, his first academic post, to create CREST, the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology.  The next decade were lean years with regard to wind energy research funding so research was focused on PV and the integration of renewable energy into power systems.  Together with Leon Freris, he established an MSc (including a distance learning option) in Renewable Energy Systems Technology, which still runs successfully.  He also worked with the EUREC Agency in Brussels to establish a European Renewable Masters course.  This also continues to flourish.  He also led a number of major EU and EPSRC projects.  He joined up with Graeme Burt to manage the Highly Distributed Power Systems (HDPS) Supergen consortium.

He became the founding Editor in Chief of IET Renewable Power Generation in 2006 which he continues to manage and is now one of the leading international journals concerned with renewable power integration.  An annual conference series was developed to support the journal and this alternates between venues in Europe and Asia.

Participation in this partnership with Strathclyde led to him joining the University in 2007 as Professor of Renewable Energy Systems Technologies.  The HDPS project was followed by the HiDEF Supergen (Highly Distributed Energy Future).  Other major projects at Strathclyde included a Platform grant on the integration of renewable energy into power systems, participation in the Supergen for Delivery of Sustainable Hydrogen, and in an EPSRC/China grant on EV Smart Grids.  His most important contribution within EEE was to establish in 2009, together with Bill Leithead, the Doctoral Training Centre for Wind Energy Systems.  This now continues as the CDT for Wind and Marine Energy Systems.  These grants have allowed Strathclyde to become by far the largest UK centre for wind energy research, and one of the largest in the EU.  From 2018 his status has been Research Professor at the University.



Plenary Session 1: Cost Benefit Analysis and Data Analysis for Renewable Energy and Electrical Energy Storage
Speaker: Prof Loi Lei Lam

Cost Benefit Analysis and Data Analytics for Renewable Energy and Electrical Energy Storage
A deterministic approach for sizing solar photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage system (ESS) with Anaerobic digestion (AD) biogas power plant (BPP) to meet load demand will be presented. This aims to maximize the sizing of PV as to follow the future trend of high penetration of PV. Energy economics for electrical energy storage will also be included to increase security of power supply. Case study based on real-life data will be used to demonstrate the validity of the new approach.


Professor Loi Lei Lai received the BSc (first class Hons., the only one) degree in electrical and electronic engineering and the PhD degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Aston, Birmingham, UK in 1980 and 1984 respectively, and the DSc degree in electrical, electronic, and information engineering from City, University of London, UK in 2005.

Currently, he is University Distinguished Professor at the Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. He was Director of the Research and Development Centre, Beijing, China, the Pao Yue Kong Chair Professor, Guest Professor, the Vice President and Professor and Chair in Electrical Engineering for the State Grid Energy Research Institute, Beijing, China; Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; Fudan University, Shanghai, China; IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (IEEE/SMCS), USA; and City, University of London, respectively. He conducted high-level consultancy for major international projects such as the Channel Tunnel between UK and France. His research interests are in smart grid, clean energy, and computational intelligence applications in power engineering. Dr Lai is a Fellow of IEEE, IET, Distinguished Expert in State Grid Corporation of China, National Distinguished Expert in China, Member of IEEE Smart Grid Steering Committee, Member of IEEE Smart City Steering Committee and IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Fellow Evaluation Committee Evaluator. He was the recipient of an IEEE Third Millennium Medal, IEEE Power and Energy Society (IEEE/PES) Power Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award in 2000, IEEE/PES Energy Development and Power Generation Committee Prize Paper in 2006 and 2009, People of the 2012 Scientific Chinese Prize, IEEE/SMCS Outstanding Contribution Award in 2013 and 2014, and was listed in the honour list of the 2014 the Thousand Talents Plan, China.




Plenary Session 2: Research on Integrated Energy Systems
Speaker: Prof. Hongjie Jia

Traditional energy systems are now increasingly interconnected with each other. An integrated energy system (IES) is emerging, which is composed of multiple terminals and energy networks including thermal (heating/ cooling), natural gas, hydrogen, and electricity systems. It is regarded as an effective way to increase the efficiency of the energy consumption and to increase the renewable energy penetration level. This talk will give an introduction to researches on integrated energy systems at Tianjin University and in China.


Prof. Jia Hongjie, Professor at School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University. His research speciality is power system stability assessment, integrated energy system, smart grid, distributed generation and renewable energy, etc. In such areas, he has published more than 300 journal/conference papers, and holds more than 30 patents. He is principal investigators of more than 20 projects. His doctor thesis was awarded as the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of P.R.China in 2004. He was awarded as one of the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University by the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2005, China Youth Science and Technology Award in 2013, Qiushi Outstanding Youth Award in 2015, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2016 and Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor in 2017.




Plenary Session 3: Towards a New Energy Eco-System:   The Convergence of the Electric Grid and The Electric Vehicle
Speaker: Prof. Patrick Luk

The first commercial electric power grids and the first mass production of cars occurred within about two decades from each other at around the turn of the 20th century. In their separate ways, the electric power industry and the car industry have since provided the world with unparalleled prosperity and benefits, and fundamentally changed our ways of life for the better for over a century. However, the last decades have seen these two fossil-fuel based industries face major challenges arising from the so called ‘energy trilemma’ – energy equity, energy security and environmental sustainability. This talk will explore how the merging-together, or ‘marriage’, of the grid and the electric vehicles (EVs) helps generate and leverage disruptive technologies and innovative strategies that are critical in providing solutions for the ‘energy trilemma’, using some pioneering case studies including the Nissan’s EV charging and NationalGrid UK’s Electric Dreams. Disruptive technologies such as autonomous vehicles, smart and rapid EV charging, as well as innovative strategies in promoting energy democracy, will be discussed. The long term success, the talk will conclude, depends on the connectedness and the shared benefits that the ‘marriage’ generates.


Patrick Chi-Kwong Luk is Full Professor in Electrical Engineering and Head of Electric Power and Drives Group at Cranfield University, U.K. He has been the principal investigator for the successful delivery of two UK-government funded strategic projects in grid-connected electric vehicles. He is responsible for providing academic leadership and strategic direction for More Electric Technologies across the University’s different disciplines, including energy, automotive, aerospace and water. He is a member of the university’s $9M ‘Multi User Environment for Autonomous Vehicle Innovation’ government funded initiative to develop green mobile technologies built on a ‘smart’ road across the university’s campus.

He has held technical advisory roles to blue-chip companies including Mitsubishi Electric UK, Lotus Engineering, Ministry of Defence UK, BAE Systems, and Lockheed Martin. He is the co-holder of 10 GB/US patents and applications on electric drives, and has over 200 publications and several book chapters. He received his MPhil degree from Sheffield University and Ph.D degree from University of South Wales, Cardiff, UK., and is a Senior Member of IEEE.




Plenary Session 4: AI and Data Driven New Energy Systems
Speaker: Prof. Z.Y. Dong

Energy systems today are increasingly featured by new elements with high level of uncertainty from either renewable resources or from the latency introduced from the communications system. The complexity involved with multiple energy sources and interaction for both energy and ICT networks has introduced high level of difficulties for accurate modelling and thus control of the system. Conventional simulation based methods can be either computationally expensive or inaccurate due to modelling defects. With recent development in artificial intelligence, especially on deep learning technologies and other data based methodologies, new approaches for energy system operations and energy market opportunities have appeared. In this talk, some key issues, challenges and methodologies for new energy system and market operations will be introduced. Advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence for research, and case studies with real market data will be presented as well.


Professor Z.Y. Dong obtained Ph.D. from the University of Sydney, Australia in 1999. He is Director of ARC Research Hub on Integrated Energy Storage at the University of NSW, Sydney. His immediate role is Professor and Head of the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Sydney. He was Ausgrid Chair and Director of the Ausgrid Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks (CIEN) providing R&D support for the $600M Smart Grid, Smart City national demonstration project. He also worked as manager for (transmission) system planning at Transend Networks (now TASNetworks), Australia. His research interest includes smart grid, power system planning, power system security, load modeling, renewable energy systems, and electricity market. He is an editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, IEEE PES Transaction Letters and IET Renewable Power Generation. He is an international Advisor for the journal of Automation of Electric Power Systems. He is Fellow of IEEE.